Over 51 Evernote Tips & Tricks To Make You An “Evernote Ninja”

Evernote is one of the most popular productivity app today and it’s getting more popular than ever. We can use Evernote the way we want and that’s why they don’t tell us how to use it.
“We don’t tell our users how to organize their notes in Evernote as everyone works differently: some prefer to throw everything into one notebook while others love to create lots of notebooks for various projects and work/life interests.”
It’s a must-have tool for bloggers, or entrepreneurs, or professionals, or home-makers, or almost anyone who spends a lot of time online. The best thing? It’s free and you can use it in a way that you’ve never imagined.
Evernote is available on almost all platforms — Windows (Desktop & Touch), Windows Phone, Mac OS X, iOS (iPhone, iPad, & iPod touch), Android, BlackBerry, and WebOS.
Note:  After I published 30 Evernote Tips earlier this year, Evernote has added several new features to it. However, I never got a chance to update that blog post. There,  I had used Evernote for Windows to explain different features, tips, and tricks.
Though the user interface of Evernote for Mac is totally different from its Windows version, the core features and functionality remains the same on all platforms.
I have used Evernote for Mac  for this blog post, but it’s good for both Mac OS X and Windows users. In fact, I have used some excerpts from the Windows version as this article is an adaptive work.

What Is Evernote, Anyway? And How To Use It Like A Ninja!

Remember everything! Yes, that’s the tagline of Evernote. Because, Evernote is not just a note-taker, it can be your note-taker, to-do list manager, reminder, read-later app, cloud storage service, or you can even use it to capture and edit photos, business card, or anything you want.
You can use the Web Clipper browser extension to bookmark and save full web pages (or a simplified text only version) to your Evernote and can even mark it up to draw attention to a specific part in the web page.
The Web Clipper also lets you save emails, or PDFs, or images directly from the web browser to your Evernote account (and also lets you take screenshots and annotate it  with text, arrows, etc. before saving it).

1. First Things First: Customize!!

Yes, that’s the first thing you’re supposed to do. Why? Because when you install Evernote for the first time you will see a lot of unwanted features like toolbar buttons or sidebar options. So, the first thing is to get rid of that to create a clean interface.

Evernote for Mac

Evernote for Mac (Screenshot)

Evernote for Windows

Evernote for Windows (Screenshot)
Customize Toolbar
On Windows, you can customize the Evernote Toolbar by right-clicking an empty space on the toolbar and using the context menu option “Customize Toolbar…”. You can then add or remove toolbar buttons — to match your requirements.
On Mac OS X, there are no such toolbars as it’s all predefined and can’t be customized.
Customize Sidebar/Left Panel
It’s possible that your Evernote’s sidebar (also known as “Left Panel” on Windows) is loaded with a lot of unwanted buttons like Atlas, Market, Announcement, etc. So, you can simply right-click on them and click “Remove from sidebar”.
Customize Startup
It makes perfect sense to start Evernote when we turn on our computer because it’s supposed to be always active.
On Mac OS X, go to Evernote > Preferences > General to turn on Evernote Helper (check the options: “Show Evernote Helper in the menu bar”, “Keep Evernote Helper running in the background when I quit Evernote”, and “Start the Evernote Helper when I log in to my computer”.
On Windows, go to Evernote > Tools > Options > General and check the option “Launch Evernote at Windows login”.
View & Sort Options
You can customize the way your Notes are arranged in Evernote by changing “View options”.
Evernote View & Sort Options
Just click the “View options” button to change the view of your Notes. You can view all your Notes as a “List”, or “Snippet” (recommended), or as a “Card”. It also lets you sort your notes — alphabetically, date of creation, date of updation, size, author, etc.

On Your Other Devices

Evernote Devices
If you own a smartphone or a tablet or another computer then make sure that you have installed Evernote on all your devices.

2. What Are — Note, Notebook, Tag & Stack — In Evernote?

If you have joined Evernote recently then it’s really important to understand the difference between: Stacks, Notebooks, Notes, and Tags (because it’s the first few things that you will come across when you open a new Evernote account).
Think Note as a single page or document. So when you create new Notes you’re actually creating new pages. Notebook is a collection of Notes and Stack is a collection of Notebooks. You can’t add the same Note to multiple Notebooks or Stacks but you can copy a Note to another Notebook within another Stack.
I have a Stack called “Minterest” and I created several Notebooks within that Stack — like Blogging, Internet Marketing, Social Media, etc — to organize the notes within that Stack by topic. So, when I get a new blog post idea I simply create a new Note and add it to the relevant Notebook.
For instance,
If you’re a food blogger then you can organize your Evernote like this:
Recipes (…as a Stack)
Vegetarian (…as a Notebook)
Non-Vegetarian (…as a Notebook)
#Chicken #Fish #Mushroom #Chinese #Italian (…as Tags)

3. Unlimited Storage

Your Evernote account comes with unlimited storage whether it’s a free or a premium account. If you have already signed up for an Evernote account then you might have noticed that the monthly upload limit is just 60 MB. But it’s just the upload limit and not the storage space.
Evernote offers unlimited storage in both free and premium accounts. Also, if you have added some stuff to Evernote and deleted it before syncing then it’s not counted. But when you edit a note then the entire note is re-uploaded and is counted towards your monthly quota.

4. Note Limits

  • Note size limit :: 25 MB (Free) — 100 MB (Premium)
  • Attachment size limit :: 25 MB (Free) — 100 MB (Premium)
  • Maximum number of Notes :: 100,000 (Free & Premium)
  • Maximum number of Tags per Note :: 100 (Free & Premium)
  • Maximum number of Tags per user :: 100,000 (Free & Premium)
  • Maximum number of Notebooks :: 250 (Free & Premium)

5. Local Notebook

Sometimes syncing can be annoying (especially on a Mac) because it auto-syncs a Note when it’s created. Even on Windows it’s possible that Evernote auto-syncs Notes that we don’t want to. For example, I copy-paste a lot of stuff in Evernote’s Inbox (name of my default Notebook) where it stays there for few minutes only.
Evernote Local Notebook
So, instead of using a “Synchronized Notebook” for this purpose I could use a “Local Notebook”. A Local Notebook is a Notebook that exist only on the device where it’s created. Since Local Notebooks are not synced to your other devices its storage is not counted towards your monthly upload quota.
Note: It is not possible to change a Notebook’s type once you have created it but you can move your Notes from a Local Notebook to another Notebook in just few clicks (or by dragging and dropping).

6. Default Notebook

When you sign up for a new Evernote account you have to set a default Notebook. And it’s a good idea to treat it like a “Clipboard” or as an “Inbox”. So, whatever you clip will automatically go to that notebook and from there you can review them individually and make changes.
Evernote Default Notebook
Go to any notebook’s settings (right-click a Notebook) and check the option “Make this my default notebook”. Your default Notebook, let’s say Inbox, can also be considered as a To-do list. So, if you have notes in your Inbox it means that you have got work to do.

7. Evernote Web Clipper

Evernote Web Clipper is the easiest way to save stuff to your Evernote account or to share anything you see online. With Evernote Web Clipper, you can clip full webpages (so that you can read them offline), articles, bookmarks, screenshots, etc. in one-click.
Evernote Web Clipper is available for Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera and Internet Explorer.

8. Tags & Sub-Tags (Nested Tags)

While it’s not possible to create nested Stacks or Notebooks in Evernote, it’s possible to create nested Tags (or say, child Tags). That is, you can create a new Tag under an existing Tag. Just create a new Tag and drop it on to an existing Tag and it becomes a child Tag.
I’m not sure about the maximum levels of nested Tag levels allowed but I was able to create 12 child Tags under a single Tag (and then I stopped :D).
Evernote Tags and Subtags
Also, I can’t explain how to use Tags as you can use it the way you want. For instance, I’m using Tags primarily as a scheduler ( or like a planner) and not to categorize Notes (I think most people uses Tags to categorize Notes by topic — like we do on blogs).

9. Drag & Drop — Notes, Tags, Notebooks, Or Attachments

Evernote is a perfect companion for Mac OS X. Why? Because its “Drag & Drop” feature just works!
You can drag & drop — Notebooks, Notes, Tags, or Attachments. For instance, you can drag and drop a Notebook from one Stack to another or to another Notebook (that doesn’t belong to any Stack) to create a new Stack.
Likewise, you can move Notes from one Notebook to another or can even delete a Note by dragging and dropping it to the Trash (yes, Trash is a Notebook, too). Thats not all! You can drag & drop Tags as well (but for that, you must click the Tags button — to see a list of tags as a hierarchy).

10. Drag & Drop — Files/Attachments Or Even Folders

You can drag & drop files or folders from your computer as well. Want to save an MP3 or a PDF or a complete Folder in your Evernote? Simply drag & drop the file/folder to Evernote and it’s there. Forever! If you’re dropping a Folder then Evernote will save the contents of that Folder as a Zipped file (but do remember Note Limits).
Tip for Mac: You can simply drag a file/folder and drop on to Evernote’s OS X Dock icon and it’s saved immediately.

11. Audio Note

Audio Notes in Evernote is a killer feature. If you’re in a hurry and don’t have the time to write a note then you can use Audio Notes. It works even better on your smartphone so that you can quickly capture lectures or presentation notes or whatever you want.
You can even add an Audio Note to an existing Note. Simply click the microphone button from the formatting options toolbar to record an Audio Note. Or, click the “New Audio Note” button on the primary Toolbar (on Windows) or go to File > New Audio Note (on Mac OS X).

12. Camera Note

It lets you take a picture using your computer’s webcam and the save directly to your Evernote. I haven’t created a Camera Note on a computer yet but I guess it’s a super-useful feature for mobile users.
Click the “New Webcam Note” button (on Windows) or go to File > FaceTime Camera Note(on Mac OS X) to create a Camera Note.

13. Ink Note (On Windows Only)

If you don’t want to type or record a note then you can create an Ink Note to draw whatever you want. It’s a Windows only feature, though there are some simple hacks to get it on your Mac as well.

14. Use Evernote Hot Keys

Evernote’s Hot Keys (known simply as, “Shortcuts” on Mac OS X) are magical for me. You can define your own shortcut keys to capture screenshot, to copy the selected portion of the screen to Evernote, to paste the contents of your computer’s clipboard to Evernote, to open a New note, or to quickly use the Evernote’s search function.
The Evernote Shortcut keys are global. So, it works even if the Evernote window is inactive. But Evernote must be running in the background — that is, in system tray (on Windows) or menu bar (on Mac OS X).
Tip for Mac & Windows: The “Shortcuts” menu on Mac version is slightly different from the Windows version (actually it’s better). On Windows, you can add a shortcut key for “Copy selection” (to copy the selected text to Evernote). But on Mac, you have to enable that option and assign a  keyboard shortcut from System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Service > “Add to Evernote.

15. Capture Screenshots

I think Screenshots in Evernote is the primary reason why I love this app. In fact, when I first started using Evernote, back in 2011, it was my screen capture tool, and not a note-taker. Because, as I said, Evernote Hot Keys (on Mac it’s simply known as Shortcuts) are magical.
Set your Hot Keys (or call it, Shortcuts) and use Evernote’s screen capture for all things Screenshot. Press the relevant Hot Key to capture a screenshot and then you will be able to capture the portion of the screen using your mouse pointer. When you release your mouse pointer the captured portion of the screen is automatically saved in your Evernote account.
Tip for Windows: If you want to send the clip to your desktop then press Shift key before releasing the mouse button and if you want to copy the clip to your clipboard then press the Ctrl key before releasing the mouse button.
Also, if you want to capture the entire screen then press the Hot Key to “Capture screen” and click anywhere on the screen once. The entire screen will be saved to your Evernote account and if you press Shift key while clicking then the screenshot will be saved in your local disk (and not to your Evernote account).

16. Clip A Window

You know it’s even possible to capture the screenshot of an active Window (on Mac and Windows). So, you don’t have to capture the entire screen and crop it manually.
On Windows, press the keyboard shortcut for screen capture (or do it manually from system tray option). Now, click the titlebar of the active Window that you want to capture and Evernote will take a screenshot of just that Window and will then save to your Evernote account ( if you press Shift key before you click then it will be saved to your desktop).
On Mac OS X, you can use the Evernote shortcut key for “Clip Rectangle or Window” to literally “Clip Rectangle” (to capture a portion of your screen) or to “Clip Window” (to capture an active Window without capturing the whole screen). Just click the titlebar of the active Window to capture its screenshot and it’s saved to your Evernote.
Note: When you take screenshots or capture your screen on Mac OS X, it saves the clips to Quick Note. So, you have to save them manually or it gets lost if you shutdown the computer.

17. Quick Note (On Mac OS X Only)

When you click the Evernote system tray icon on Windows, it just opens Evernote or you can customize Evernote Icon Action to make it something else (right-click the tray icon and you will get it).
On Mac, when you click the Evernote Menu icon it opens a Quick Note. It’s a clipboard where you can save things temporarily. You can either save them to your Evernote account manually or can delete it instantly without saving.
Evernote Quick Note
Once again, when you take screenshots or capture your screen on Mac OS X, it saves the clips to Quick Note. So, you have to save them manually or it gets lost if you shutdown the computer.

18. Create Tables

I wouldn’t say that Evernote tables are perfect and can replace Excel. But it’s super-useful — like this:
Evernote Tables
As you can see tables in Evernote is beautiful and simple and it can customized. You can right-click a table to change its border thickness & color, cell background & cell alignment, or to insert additional rows or columns or to delete a table.

19. Export Notes And Import Later

Just right-click the Note that you want to Export, click the context menu “Export Note…” and then save as HTML or Evernote XML Format (.enex).
On Windows, you can right-click any Notebook to export all the Notes within that Notebook. But on Mac, you have to go to Notebooks view (click on Notebooks button on the left sidebar) and then right-click the Notebook that you want to export. Otherwise, Evernote for Mac lets you export only one Note at a time.
Tip for Windows: You can export a full Notebook as a Web Archive (.mht), or as multiple Web Pages (.html). It’s even possible to Export your entire Evernote Notes in one go (just right-click the Notes button on the sidebar and click “Export Notes..”.

20. View Documents Inline Or As Attachments

You can change the way Evernote saves attachments to your account. Go to Evernote > Preferences > Clipping > By default, view newly clipped PDFs and office documents: (on Mac OS X) and use the option “As Attachments” (if you want to view saved documents as Attachments itself) or use the option “Inline” (if you want to view your documents within Evernote itself).
On Windows, go to Evernote > Tools > Options > Note and check/uncheck the option “Always show PDF documents as attachments” based on your preferred view.

21. Use Ctrl/Command Key

You can use the Command key (on Mac) or Ctrl key (on Windows) to select multiple Notes or Tags (in Tag view page). Also, you can select multiple Notes that way and then drop over a Tag (to tag it) or over Trash (to delete it).
That’s not all! Do you want to view all the Notes within a Notebook that has a specific Tag? If so, click a Notebook and then use Ctrl/Command key to select a Tag so that Evernote will show all the Notes from that Notebook with the Tag that you have selected.
Tip: You can filter the Notes that matches a specific tag by clicking on the Tag button (in Notes list view).

22. Copy, Move, Merge, Delete, Recover Notes

You can copy or move a Note from one Notebook to another by using the right-click context menu. Just select all the Notes that you want to move or right-click a Note that you want to move or copy and use the option “Copy to Notebook…” or “Move to Notebook…”.
Wait! Evernote allows you to merge multiple notes into one. Select all the notes that you want to merge (Command + Click on Mac or Ctrl + Click on Windows) and a thumbnail view of the notes will appear. Now click the “Merge” button. Done!
You can use the right-click context menu to delete a note or can use the Delete button (on the toolbar). Want to recover a deleted note? Go to Trash, select the Note, click “Restore Note”.

23. Save Images/Attachments To Computer

Do you want to save images or attachments in your Evernote to your local computer? Just right-click any image or attachment and then click “Save As…”. It lets you save images or attachments to your hard disk or flash drive.

24. Set Reminders…

Yes, that’s right! Evernote is not just a note-taker it’s much more. They added a “Reminders” feature in all platforms so you can add a Reminder to each note.
Evernote Reminders
You can either set a specific  due date or a specific date and time. If you have specified a time then Evernote will show push notifications on your mobile devices and alerts on your computer (on Mac and Windows). If you enter only the due date then Evernote will send you an email alert in the morning when the note is due.
Go to Reminders Notification Settings to enable Email Reminders and they will start sending you a daily digest of the Reminders when notes are due.

25. As A To-do List

I would say Evernote  can’t replace a real task-manager or to-do list app like Todoist but it can be used as a task manager. Just create a new Note and write whatever memo you want and then save the Note in a new Notebook (call it Tasks, To-do, or whatever you want). Oh yes, set a Due Date and a Reminder too if you want to receive alerts. It’s that simple!
Tip: Add Checkboxes when you write a to-do list.

26. Search Real-time

Everything in Evernote is searchable, including the contents of notes, notebooks, tags, and attachments.
The best thing about Evernote search is that it works in real-time. Just start typing keywords in the “Search” bar and it shows results in real-time (use double quotes if you want to search exact keyword phrase).
Evernote also opens a small pop-up that shows search suggestions and your recent searches. You can go here (for Windows) or here (for Mac) to learn more about its search features.
Tip for Mac: You can filter the search results even further by using the built-in Evernote search options. After typing your search query, click the Search box and it will show a drop down popup window that shows your Saved Searches.
Evernote Search Options
At the bottom of that popup window there’s an option called “Add Search Option”. You can use it to filter the current search results based on various parameters.

27. Evernote’s Search Syntax

Evernote search supports advanced search operators so that you can search all your Notes based on various search parameters — date of creation, type of media, etc. For example, try tag:* (to find all notes that are tagged), -tag:* (to find all notes that doesn’t have a tag).
It’s actually an advanced tip as there’s every chance that the automatic search is enough for you. But if you’re curious about Evernote search grammar then check out this article. Warning: It will make you an Evernote search ninja!

28. Saved Searches

Evernote search is so powerful that you can find the notebook or note that you’re looking for by entering few keywords. Also, if you happen to search a set of keywords more often, then you can save those keywords as “Saved Searches”.
Note: The maximum number of Saved Searches per account is 100 (Free & Premium).

29. Search Notes Within Notebook/Tag

Want to search Notes within a specific Stack, or Notebook, or a Tag? Just click on it and then start typing in the search bar so that Evernote will search only in the Stack or Notebook or Tag that you have selected.

30. Underscore-Tagging

If you don’t want to create too many tags then you can add an underscore (_) right before a keyword. This way, you will be able to search your notes using that keyword.
For example, whenever I add a note related to Google Chrome I add the term, _Chrome,  somewhere in the note so that I can use the search function to find all the notes that have the keyword “_Chrome”.
Note: It works on Windows and Mac, but works best on Windows.

31. Hide Note Count (On Mac OS X Only)

If you have hundreds or thousands of Notes in your Evernote then it actually makes sense to hide the note count from the sidebar. It’s like, forget the numbers and let’s do it one-by-one.
Go to View > Sidebar Options > Hide Note Counts to hide the note counts from the sidebar.

32. Note Info

Evernote associates a lot of details with each Note. Simply click the “i” button (known as Note Info) to see the details of a Note. It shows all the Tags of a Note, its date of creation and updation, source URL (if you clipped it from the web), author, sync status, etc.
Tip for Mac: Evernote for Mac doesn’t have a Status bar (as of Windows). So, it doesn’t show word count or character count, or Note Size automatically in a status bar. Instead, you need to click on “i” and it will show all the above mentioned details plus note size, word count, character count, etc.

33. Evernote Shortcuts

Use Shortcuts module in Evernote sidebar to add your favorite Stacks, or Notebooks, or Tags, or Saved Searches, or even Notes. And the best thing? It’s also synced to all your other devices.
Evernote Shortcuts
Note: The maximum number of Shortcuts per account is 250 (Free & Premium).

34. Email Notes To Your Evernote

You can create Notes in your Evernote account by sending the message to your unique email address given by Evernote, that should look like username.1a2b3c@m.evernote.com.
When you send an email to your unique email address, it will create a new note in your Evernote account and it will use the email subject as the new Note’s title.
Emailed notes will go into your default Notebook but if you want to add notes to a specific Notebook or want to add tags then follow the instructions here.
Note: The maximum number of emails that can be sent into your Evernote email account is 50 per day (Free) or 250 per day (Premium).

35. Email Notes From Your Evernote

When you click the “Share” button’s drop down menu, you will also be able to send a Note as email to anyone else. I primarily use that option to send a Note to my own email id.
Email Notes From Your Evernote
It’s my way of archiving a Note because once a note is deleted from Evernote’s Trash it’s gone forever. So I use the “Send By Email” feature to send a copy of the note to my own e-mail by making use of Gmail’s Plus addressing so that all the mails from Evernote are marked as read and archived automatically.
Note: The maximum number of emails that can be sent from your Evernote email account is 50 per day (Free) or 200 per day (Premium).

36. Use Evernote As An Inbox

You know what? It’s even possible to use our secret Evernote email id as an alternative to your regular mail inbox. You can use your secret @m.evernote.com account to sign up for a newsletter or for a one-time usage.
If you’re getting spam then you can easily reset your unique email id so that you won’t get the spam sent to your old id. Once again, do remember, the maximum number of emails that can be sent into your Evernote email account is 50 per day (Free) or 250 per day (Premium).

37. Encrypt Text

Evernote for Windows and Mac allows you to encrypt sensitive information. So it’s useful to store passwords or other sensitive information.
Select the text that you want to encrypt, right-click, and click “Encrypt Selected Text…” option.
Evernote Text Encryption
Now Evernote will ask you to enter an encryption passphrase and an optional Hint (that can help you to remember your passphrase). When you’re done, the selected text will be encrypted and you have to enter the passphrase to view the text.

38. Annotate Images

Evernote lets you Annotate images and if you’re a Premium member, then you can Annotate PDF documents as well. If you’re using Web Clipper to capture screenshots then it’s super-easy (it lets you Annotate images before saving to your account).
And if you’re using the desktop version then you need to manually Annotate images. Just right-click any image in Evernote and then click the option “Annotate this image…” or “Annotate a Copy of this image…”. It will open the image in another Window where you can annotate or edit the image by using different tools.

39. Right-click Images To…

You can right-click any images within your Notebooks to rename it, to rotate the image clockwise or counterclockwise, to link the image to a web page or you can open that image in your favorite photo editors in one-click. The saved changes are automatically reflected in your Evernote account.

40. Merge Notes

Want to merge two similar notes? Evernote for Desktop and Web allows you to merge multiple notes into one. Select all the notes that you want to merge (use Command + Click on Mac or Ctrl + Click on Windows) and a thumbnail view of the notes will appear. Now click the “Merge” button. Done!

41. Copy Note Links

If you have hundreds of notes then it’s more likely that some of them are related. So, you can either Merge them as one or use Evernote’s Copy Note Links feature.
Evernote Copy Note Link
Just right-click any note within Evernote and click the “Copy Note Link”. Now that link is copied to your clipboard and you can paste it in another note. It’s like you’re hyperlinking your own Notes (as if they’re all individual web pages).

42. View Notes On Your Web Browser

Want to quickly view a Note on your browser? Just open a Note’s “Note Link” on your web browser (Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, etc.) and it’s there. And hey, you don’t have to “Share” a Note to see it on a browser (but obviously you must be signed in to your Evernote account).
Tip: And use web to view as logged in mode without sharing

43. Create “Table of Contents” Note

When you select two or more Notes — by using (Command + Click on Mac or Ctrl + Click on Windows) — Evernote lets you create a “Table of Contents” Note.
Evernote Create Table of Contents Note
Now, what’s that? Well, as the name suggests, it creates a new Note that lists all the Notes that you have selected and then links to it (by using its Note Link).

44. Create Templates

Evernote by default doesn’t support templates but you can do that by using their Import and Export feature. Create a new Note, right-click on it, and click “Export Note…” and then export as an .enex file. When you want to use the note in future you can import that file using the File > Import > Evernote Export Files… option.

45. Evernote As A Word Processor

Evernote Formatting Options
Your Evernote can also act as a word processor app as it supports the standard text formatting features like — font style & colors, strikethrough, text highlighting, ordered and unordered lists, checkboxes, paragraph alignment, tables, spell check, hyperlinks, word count, etc.

46. Paste As Plain Text

You can even paste rich text as plain text so that it removes all rich formatting from the text. Just copy the rich text: right-click and use the option “Paste as Text” or use its keyboard shortcut (on Windows), or use Edit > “Paste and Edit Match Style menu or its keyboard shortcut (on Mac)
Tip: If you want to convert rich text in an existing Note or Notebook then select the text and use the option: Format > Simplify Formatting or  Format > Make Plain Text (on Mac) or right-click and use the option “Simplify Formatting” or “Remove Formatting” (on Windows).

47. Share Notebooks

With Evernote, you can share a Notebook with the public or if you have a Premium account then you can even give other Evernote users the permission to edit your notes within the shared notebook. Right-click the notebook that you want to share and click the “Share Notebook” option. Obviously, they will need an Evernote account.

48. Share Individual Notes

Sharing a single note is super easy. You can use the Share button and click the “Copy Share URL” (on Windows) or “Copy Public Link” (on Mac) to get the public link of the selected note. Now you can give that URL to anyone and they can view the note even if they don’t have an Evernote account.

49. Work Chat

Evernote Work Chat
Want to chat with your colleagues or team mates directly from Evernote? Yes, it’s now possible with Work Chat. Just navigate to the Work Chat sidebar option and “Start Chatting”. You can initiate a chat with any Evernote user by entering their email id.

50. Save Notes As PDFs (On Mac OS X Only)

PDF is one of the most popular file format and is loved by everyone. Evernote lets you save a Note as a PDF version in your account or on your local computer (save from Evernote to your computer).
Simply right-click the text area of a Note and then click the option “Convert Note to PDF”. It’s a super-cool feature!

51. Enable 2-step Verification

If your Evernote account contains sensitive information then go to Security Settings and enable Two-Step Verification. It adds an extra layer of security to your Evernote account.

52. Connect Evernote With Other Apps

Go to Evernote App Center and you’ll find several apps that you can integrate with your Evernote account. They have categorized the apps based on the supporting platforms – Android, iOS, Windows, Web Apps, Mac – so that you can easily find the apps that you want to connect.
When you become an Evernote addict, try Evernote Recipes on IFTTT. :D

53. Search Within Images (And Documents)

When you add an image or a screenshot to Evernote, it can identify text — including handwritten text — within images and will make it searchable for you. If you are a Premium user then you can even search text in PDF documents as well.

54. Conflicting Changes

It’s possible that you will find two copies of the same note in Evernote when there is a conflict. It happens when you edit a note from two devices before it was synced.
In such situations, Evernote will place the Note in a temporary Notebook called “Conflicting Changes” so that you can review both the versions and delete the one that’s not up-to-date.
When you you are done you can then delete the “Conflicting Changes” Notebook itself (but it will appear again when there is another conflict).


Evernote Devices

Evernote Skitch

Get your point across with fewer words using annotation, shapes and sketches, so that your ideas become reality faster.
Skitch is a snipping tool by Evernote (available as an app on Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android). You can use an existing image or take a new one and then add arrows, shapes, text, drawings, etc. and save to your Evernote account so that it’s there on all your devices.

Evernote Premium

With Evernote Premium, you can access your notes offline on your mobile devices, can invite others to edit your notes, can protect the notes by adding a Passcode Lock on your mobile devices, monthly upload quota of 4 GB, be able to annotate PDF documents, search inside PDF/Office documents, present your notes as a slides, scan business cards, view note version history, etc.
Go here to learn more about their premium features. Wait, with one premium Evernote account you also get Premium features in Evernote’s other productivity apps like SkitchPenultimateHello, and Clearly.
The premium version of Evernote is definitely cool. But I would say you don’t need it unless you really want it. For instance, if you’re using the free version of Evernote then you won’t be able to access your Notes when you’re offline. So, it makes sense to go Premium if you’re always on the move.

Evernote Points

Want to try Evernote Premium for free? Invite your friends and family to Evernote and earn Evernote Points that you can redeem for rewards or for upgrades. When your friends get started they will also get a Premium account for one month.
  • Your first 3 referrals earn you 10 points each — enough for 3 months of Premium or 3 GB of additional monthly uploads.
  • Whenever a friend you referred goes Premium for the first time, you will earn 5 more points.
This is my third article (the lengthiest too) related to Evernote. I seriously didn’t want to make the post this lengthy — ended up with over 6,000 words — but I can assure you that if you managed to read this far then you’re going to become an Evernote ninja. Trust me!
Like I have already mentioned, different people uses Evernote in a different way. For instance, I was using it as an online clipboard at first and today it’s my note-taker, task manager (sort of), and of course an online clipboard.
The good thing is… the more you use Evernote the more useful it becomes.
So, how do you use Evernote?
P. S. As you can see, it’s a comprehensive list of Evernote Tips & Tricks but it’s absolutely possible that I might have missed an Evernote feature or some of  the above descriptions may not be enough for you.
If I missed an Evernote feature that’s worth to spread, or if the description of a feature is not enough then please let me know as a comment below, and I’ll be happy to update it.
Image Credit: Flickr

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