Over 71 Ways To Repurpose Your Content Over And Over Again

You know, you should really repurpose your content. But the disclosure is that I haven’t started it yet. I first came to know about repurposing content when Darren published How to Repurpose Your Content [and Why You Should Do It!].
However, I wasn’t that interested as I didn’t have plenty of blog posts on my blog then. Even today, I have less than 300 blog posts but I realize that it’s time to diversify the traffic sources. And that was among one of my goals with Minterest Level 3.0.
First things first.
What is content repurposing?
Content repurposing is all about extending the life of your original content (blog posts in most cases) by leveraging more mediums. Submitting a blog post to a dozen of social networks or updating/republishing one of your archived blog post is not exactly repurposing. It’s just sharing and resharing.
Repurposing is done by taking an existing blog post (or content) and using it to create something else on another medium (in an easy to consume way) thereby reaching an audience who wouldn’t have found your content otherwise.
That is, it involves reusing your own content to serve a different audience or the same audience in a different way. The good thing about content repurposing is that you are actually getting more traffic by creating less content — as these mediums are already known to have millions of active users.
For instance, if I share my latest listicle on Twitter then it may attract some 100 visits (if I’m lucky) and then it’s gone from everybody’s timeline. But if I create a List.ly post out of it then it may generate much more traffic over time and it can even strengthen the link profile of my blog.
In other words, repurposing can strengthen the SEO of my original blog post. Because when I repurpose content I’m actually creating more backlinks and reference to my original work which means it gets more authority and backlinks and credibility and traffic over time.
Coming back…
You can repurpose your content in a lot of ways. For instance, if you have an in-depth blog post then you can convert it into a guide or ebook or even a webinar. And if it’s a regular blog post then you can convert it into a podcast or presentation or an infographic.
Again, if it’s a tutorial or a how-to then you can make a video out of it and can possibly share it on Q&A websites like Quora or Yahoo Answers, etc. As you might have already imagined, the possibilities are endless — thanks to the gazillion web 2.0 websites.
However, it doesn’t really mean that you must repurpose every single blog post of yours and neither does it mean that you must share and reshare your content on every single social media channel out there (though it doesn’t hurt).
I think this summarizes everything.
Stop vomiting your content everywhere. Instead, build momentum. It’s not about where, it’s about when. — @leeodden
It’s also worth mentioning that repurposing is not going to get you a duplicate content penalty unless you are copying and pasting the exact stuff on all platforms. If you are doing it right then it’s actually impossible to create duplicate content as you always need to adjust the content to match the audience of the new targeted platform.
For instance, if you are planning to make a video tutorial based on a how-to blog post then the new script could be totally different from the one that’s already published on your blog and that makes your video tutorial unique and original.
Again, if you are using the tutorial to create a slideshow then the word usage could be way less and it naturally becomes unique. And it’s the same case when you try to create a podcast or a simplified version of a blog post to republish on another platform.
The only thing is, the content has to be useful (or ideally evergreen). That is, the topic must be relevant at all times. So here is a comprehensive list of ways to repurpose your content. Create. Rehash. Share. Reshare. Repeat.


One of the most effective ways to repurpose your content is by reposting your content on another platform (or multiple platforms).
Just sign up for an account on one or more publishing platforms and then copy-paste your blog post as it is (though it’s a good idea to make it another version to avoid duplicate content).

1. Medium

Medium is a fantastic platform to share your long-form (or even short-form) content. If you want to repurpose a blog post, then you can either write its rehashed version with backlinks to your original blog post or can simply republish your existing blog post on Medium (with backlinks to your blog) so that it reaches a wider audience.

2. LinkedIn Publishing Platform

LinkedIn Publishing Platform can be used to leverage LinkedIn’s massive audience. Just like Medium, you can either republish your blog posts on LinkedIn or can write a new version to promote your original blog post.

3. Tumblr

Tumblr is a micro-blogging platform by Yahoo where you can share anything (from anywhere!). It’s an excellent platform to host images, quotes, excerpts, news, etc. with the purpose of promoting your blog (and blog posts).

4. Quora Blogs

Quora Blogs are for writers (and bloggers) who don’t have a big audience. It allows you to share content with ease and all blog posts are categorized by relevant topics so that your blog post could be viewed by anyone who shares the same topic interest as yours even if they don’t follow you personally.

5. Facebook Notes

Facebook Notes is now more customizable and it lets you share long-form content and share it with anyone (whether it’s a small group of friends or everyone on Facebook). You can even add a cover photo that shows the theme of your note and it also supports photo captions, headings, quotes, bullets, etc. You know how to make use it, right?

6. Facebook Instant Articles

Facebook Instant Articles
Facebook Instant Articles, an alternative to Medium.com, is a publishing platform that has inbuilt monetization and analytics. It lets you create interactive, engaging, and shareable content on Facebook that loads 10x faster than standard mobile web articles and is optimized for mobile.

7. HubPages

HubPages is a user generated content and revenue-sharing platform where you can share  your advice, reviews, useful tips, opinions, and insights with hundreds of other authors.

8. Guest Blogging

If you want more eyeballs to read your blog posts then it’s a good idea to host your content on a high-traffic website with backlinks to your blog so that it reaches a wider audience plus gets some strong backlinks.
You can also syndicate your blog posts with authority blogs in your niche. For example, Business 2 Community and Social Media Today.


You might ask why should you syndicate your blog post, right? Well, think about this. You write a new blog post that you think is epic. But the problem is, if your blog is pretty new then your ‘epic’ blog post might not get enough attention.
So chances are your blog post will not get as many views. What you can do is, syndicate your blog post with relevant content discovery platforms (includes social news aggregators and bookmarking websites).
Here is a list of some of the most popular content discovery platforms where you can share your blog posts as soon as it gets published. However, don’t expect a sudden spike in traffic as these websites get hundreds of submissions an hour.

9. Reddit

Reddit is dubbed as the homepage of the internet. It’s actually a place where people go to discover unheard conversations and stories. Reddit uses its powerful crowdsourcing to produce serious, funny and interesting contents that keep the readers hooked. If you write content that’s actually original and useful then Reddit can send you a lot of traffic.

10. Hacker News

Hacker News is a community of programmers, entrepreneurs, and digital ninjas who share “anything that gratifies one’s intellectual curiosity”.
So you can share your content (or from across the web) and can comment on popular Hacker News threads to promote your blog.

11. Inbound.org

Inbound.org is a great community of bloggers, marketers and other professionals who love to read and share interesting content. It’s a lot more like Hacker News except that Hacker News is all about technology whereas Inbound.org is all about marketing.

12. GrowthHackers

GrowthHackers focuses on high-quality growth hacking resources and ethical marketing tips to help you with your marketing efforts. So if you have got some good marketing content then you can submit there and it may attract massive traffic.

13. Slashdot

Slashdot is the “news for nerds” website that beeps us about all technology news. You can submit anything and everything about tech and science.

14. BizSugar

BizSugar is a small business community for solopreneurs or entrepreneurs where you can share your articles, blog posts, videos, podcasts, etc. When you submit the content it’s added to ‘Recent’ articles and when it gets enough votes, it is added to the ‘Popular’ articles section.

15. Blokube

Blokube (Premium) is another community for bloggers that lets you share your blog posts or exchange ideas and interact with other bloggers.

16. Triberr

Triberr is an influencer marketing platform and a community of bloggers and influencers who come together to read and share great content. Triberr is completely free to use but they do have a premium membership plan that costs $10/month.

17. Blog Engage

Blog Engage (Premium) is yet another community of bloggers where you can submit your blog posts for better exposure, traffic and of course for backlinks. All the articles that you submit go to their upcoming page and it will be featured on the homepage when it receives enough votes from its users.

18. Alltop

Alltop is a news aggregator website that features content from a variety of sources. So you can find the top stories from Alltop home, or from Most Popular page, or from sub-categories based on your interests.
You can suggest your blog after picking a relevant topic so that they will add your blog to Alltop if it’s approved. Your RSS feed must be active and there should be enough original content.

Content Recommendation Networks (Paid)

Content Recommendation Networks shows a combination of image + text ads as a recommendation on their publisher websites. It usually show ads at the end of a blog post (or a web page) in a “Sponsored” or “Related Posts” or “You Might Also Like” widget.
Such platforms use behavioral targeting to increase the quality of the traffic and most of them follow a cost per click pricing model. It’s extremely popular among viral blogs as they use it to generate more page views or to make money by sending traffic to one of their sponsors.
  1. Outbrain
  2. Taboola
  3. Revcontent
  4. Zemanta
  5. SimpleReach
  6. LinkWithin

Social Networks

The easiest way to repurpose your content is by using social media. And it’s not all about sharing your latest blog posts on different social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. like everyone (myself included) is doing.
You can go one step ahead and make it more engaging and useful by pasting excerpts or summaries from your blog posts, creating image quotes, sharing statistics, etc.

25. Twitter

Twitter is the most popular micro-blogging platform and it can a good traffic source for your blog. You can share your latest blog posts (multiple times a day/week) and can also share quotes and excerpts and images from your blog posts to reach a wider audience.

26. Facebook

Facebook is the largest social networking website that has transformed the way people connect, communicate, and share ideas, pictures, videos and news. It has also made it possible for businesses to get their products across to a mass audience in a sensational win-win manner.
You can leverage Facebook by sharing your blog posts (or images or excerpts or a combination of both from your blog posts) regularly on your Facebook Profile and Pages. Wait, you can also promote your blog (and blog posts) on Facebook Groups.

27. LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a professional network that is mostly used by professionals who are looking for job or business opportunities. You can promote your blog on LinkedIn in several ways.
For instance, you can submit your blog post as a status update and also on relevant LinkedIn Groups. Again, you can also share images and infographics (from your own blog or from across the web).

28. Google+

Google+ do not have a huge audience but it still makes sense to repeat what you have done on Facebook on Google+ as well.


Share images from your blog posts on relevant image-friendly social networks like Pinterest, Flickr, Instagram, Imgur, etc.

29. Pinterest

Pinterest is, as you probably know image sharing on steroids. It’s an amazing tool to curate images and no wonder it’s one of the top traffic referral for so many websites out there. Simply “Pin” interesting images from your blog or from across the web and organize your pinned images by creating Pinterest Boards.

30. Flickr

Flickr is an image sharing website that you can leverage by uploading interesting photos or videos with a Creative Commons Attribution License. So that people will link to your Flickr profile (or your website) and may even land on your website.
Don’t have any photos to share? Then why not use those awesome Flickr photos on your blog and still get referral traffic. Just use the photos or videos with a Creative Commons Attribution License in your next blog post with proper credits to the original author. Then go to their Flickr profile and comment that you have used the same on your blog post and include the link to the blog post.

31. Instagram

Instagram can be a good platform to promote your brand if your targeted audience is Instagrammers. Sign up for an account, add your link in bio, post images & videos, and start following people.


  • Pablo — to create images for your social media posts.
  • PicMonkey — an online image editing tool.
  • Canva — to create designs for blog posts, presentations, posters, infographics, etc.
  • 99designs — to outsource graphic design.
  • Fiverr — to outsource micro-design gigs.


Curate the web but don’t forget to include your own content in your curation.

32. StumbleUpon

StumbleUpon is more or less a social bookmarking platform. It takes just minutes to share your web page on StumbleUpon and hence it is worth the try. You definitely don’t want to miss even a single opportunity that can send traffic, right?
What’s more? You can also try StumbleUpon Ads (if you have a budget for ad spend). StumbleUpon Ads are actually full web pages itself and it follows a cost per view (CPV) pricing model.
It’s a great ad product as your content (or web page) is the ad and there are no click-throughs or ad copies. All you need is a URL and it can be anything — article, video, slideshow, and the like.
And the best thing about StumbleUpon Ads is that you can earn free traffic to your website (in addition to the paid traffic). Here’s how!

33. Flipboard

Flipboard was a social magazine app at first and later they reimagined the app so that users are now able to organize articles, photos, video, and audio as magazines.

34. Scoop.it

Scoop.it is a very popular content curation tool. It helps you discover new content based on your interest and you’ll also be able to create your own Scoop.it boards by adding content from your own blog and from across the web. The Scoop.it community will be able to follow your boards and you’ll be able to follow boards by others.

35. Paper.li

Paper.li is a content curation service that enables you to publish your own online newspapers (fetching content from your own blogs and social media channels and content from across the web).

36. List.ly

List.ly lets you create listicles on almost anything that you like. Create a list post on your blog and then use the same data to create a list on List.ly with a backlink to your blog. The community members will vote, share, and may even embed your list on their blog.

37. Storify

Storify is a social networking site that lets you create stories or timelines using social media posts from Twitter, Facebook, etc. So you can create social media posts — fetching content from your blog — and promote the same on Storify to get more visibility.

38. Diigo

Diigo is more than just a social bookmarking website. It’s also a collaborative research and learning tool that allows people to pool their findings through group bookmarks, sticky notes, highlights, etc. You can create new groups or join other groups and submit your own blog posts and from across the web to help others complete their research or work.

Q&A Community

Help others solve a problem.

39. Yahoo Answers

Yahoo Answers is one of the most popular Q&A sites on the web. Thanks to the millions of loyal Yahoo! users. There is a category for each subject on Yahoo! Answers.
Just write blog posts on common issues and answer the questions asked by users with a reference to your website. It should send you good referral traffic.

40. Quora

Quora is a high-quality Q&A network that can drive targeted traffic to your website if you help others to solve their problems. Unlike Yahoo Answers, Quora is all about quality and authority. And that’s why it’s used by so many influencers out there.
All you need to do is, answer relevant questions with excerpts from your blog posts or you can even copy-paste the entire blog post (with a link back to your blog) so that it will get even more attention.
What’s more? You might also get some SEO advantage as Google is giving higher weightage to high-quality Quora answers in its search results.

41. Stack Exchange

Stack Exchange
Stack Exchange is one of the largest Q&A communities with over 160 communities that are created and run by experts. It’s all about questions and answers and is not a discussion forum.
Users can vote up or down answers so that the best answers appears at the top. So if you believe that your blog post will solve someone’s query then you can share it on relevant threads and hopefully it will get you a lot of upvotes and eventually more traffic to your blog.

42. Google Groups

Google Groups allows you to create and participate in online forums and email-based groups with a rich experience for community conversations.


Turn your content into slides and submit it to slide hosting services.

43. SlideShare

SlideShare, as you probably know, is the world’s largest community for sharing and discovering slideshows/presentations. You can upload your presentations with clickable links and can even embed them on blogs or websites. Apart from slideshows, you can also share documents, infographics, PDFs, videos, and webinars.
Also, try
  1. Slideworld — use one of their templates to create and share your presentation.
  2. SlideBoom — share your presentation for free.
  3. authorSTREAM — to share your presentations or to convert it to video.
  4. Prezi (Premium) — a premium presentation software and marketplace.
  5. Sway — a digital storytelling app by Microsoft to create and share interactive reports, presentations, personal stories, etc.


Turn your content into an infographic and submit it to infographic directories.

49. Visually

Visual.ly is a marketplace for infographics and data visualizations. If you have created an infographic then you can submit it on Visually or if you have the budget then you can hire their professionals to create an infographic for you.
Also try,
  1. SlideShare
  2. InfographicLove
  3. Infographics @ Reddit
  4. Daily Infographic
  5. Submit Infographics


  • Infogr.am — to create infographics and interactive online charts.
  • Easel.ly — to create infographics and posters.
  • Piktochart — to create infographics, reports, and presentations.
  • Visme — to create infographics, presentations, reports, web content, product presentations, etc.
  • Venngage — to create infographics for free.
  • Creately — an online diagram software to draw Flowcharts, UML, etc.
  • Contellio — to turn blog posts into infographics.
  • Fiverr — to outsource design gigs.


Turn your blog posts into screencasts and videos (how-tos, tutorials, tips, etc.). and upload it to video hosting platforms.

55. YouTube

YouTube is the web’s largest and most favorite video sharing website — share your videos with over one billion YouTube users. You can host your videos on YouTube with backlinks to your website so that people would visit your website for additional insights when they watch your video.
Also, share is on
  1. Vimeo
  2. Facebook Video
  3. Instagram


  • Screencast — is a freemium screencast sharing platform.
  • Jing — capture basic video, animation, and still images.
  • Snagit — a premium desktop tool for screen capture and screen recording.
  • Camtasia — is an all-in-one desktop video editor and screen recorder.
  • Fiverr — to outsource video and animation projects.


Podcasting is becoming more popular than ever. If are good at it then you can create podcasts about new topics or else you can simply convert your existing blog posts into podcasts (by actually reading it loud) and then upload the same to podcasting services.
  1. iTunes Podcasts
  2. Google Play Music
  3. Stitcher
  4. SoundCloud


If you are an expert in your niche then why not convert your in-depth blog posts and guides into a webinar? It allows you to engage with your audience in real-time and is one of the best ways to build credibility and authority for your blog.
  1. Google Hangouts (Free) — the easiest way to host a webinar.
  2. GoToWebinar (Premium) — is a full-feature webinar software.
  3. WebEx (Premium) — a full-feature online meeting software.
  4. Join.me (Free) — is not exactly a webinar software but it lets you collaborate instantly with free screen sharing, unlimited audio, and simple video conferencing.

Live Stream

Go live! Maybe?
  1. Periscope (Free)
  2. YouTube Live Streaming (Free)
  3. Facebook Live (Free)

Email Newsletter

Start a daily/weekly newsletter to promote your new as well as old blog posts. You can also welcome your new email subscribers by sending them your best content in a welcome newsletter.

70. Goodbits

Goodbits is an email marketing tool that lets you create email campaigns using a drag and drop editor.
Looking for an email marketing software? Try,
  • MailChimp (Freemium) — Send 12,000 emails per month to 2,000 subscribers for free.
  • Mad Mimi (Freemium) — Send 12,500 emails per month to 2,500 subscribers for free.
  • AWeber (Premium) — Pricing starts at $19 per month for 500 subscribers.


Turn your content into a guide.

71. Guides.co

Guides is a free publishing and hosting platform that lets you create interactive guides.


Create ebooks by combining related blog posts and upload it to ebook stores. You can also consider creating your ebooks in different languages.
  1. Scribd
  2. Apple iBooks
  3. Kindle Direct Publishing
  4. Blurb


  • Anthologize — is a free plugin that lets you grab content from your WordPress blog and then export in several formats like PDF, ePUB, and TEI after editing your work.
  • BlogBooker — convert your blog post into a document or PDF.
  • Zinepal — to create PDFs and ebooks from blogs, websites, RSS, etc. in a variety of formats.
  • Fiverr — to outsource content creation.

Physical Book

Created an e-book? Good. Why not turn it into a physical book?
  1. Amazon CreateSpace
  2. Lulu

BONUS: A Quick Recipe To Repurpose Your Next Blog Post

  • Write an in-depth blog post or a guide.
  • Republish as it is on one or more publishing platforms like Medium, LinkedIn Publishing Platform, Tumblr, etc.
  • Rehash the blog post and submit it as a guest blog on an authority website.
  • Syndicate it with content discovery platforms like Reddit, HackerNews, Slashdot, BizSugar, Alltop, etc.
  • Promote the blog post by using one or more content recommendation networks like Outbrain, Taboola, Zemanta, etc.
  • Submit the blog post to social media channels like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, and anything that you think is relevant.
  • Write quotes and one-liner messages (basically excerpts from your blog post) and share and reshare it on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+, etc..
  • Share images from the blog post to image-friendly social networks like Flickr, Pinterest, Instagram, etc. Plus, create more images using quotes and excerpts from the blog post.
  • Curate content related to your blog post and promote it by using content curation tools like Scoop.it, List.ly, Storify, etc.
  • Promote the blog post on Q&A communities like Quora, Yahoo Answers, Stack Exchange, etc.
  • Create a presentation by using the stats, bullet points, quotes, subheadings, etc. from the blog post and submit to SlideShare, Slideworld, SlideBoom, etc.
  • Create an infographic by using the slideshows and submit to Pinterest, Visual.ly, SlideShare, etc.
  • Turn the blog post into a video or a screencast and submit to YouTube.
  • Turn the blog post into a podcast and submit to iTunes, SoundCloud, Google Play, etc.
  • Create a PDF version of the blog post.
  • Turn the blog post into an interactive guide and submit to Guides.co.
  • Repeat.
Note: You don’t have to follow all the above steps. Instead, try only the ones that are relevant and makes sense. I just scribbled down a quick recipe that’s good for me (and probably you).
Closing Thoughts
I think you have already figured out one thing by now. If you want to repurpose content you need useful content and that’s a given.
I’ve personally spent many, many hours to write that one blog post that’s got no SEO value just because I loved to write that topic. The problem is, once it goes live it’s over.
Because archived blog posts won’t get much traffic or attention unless it’s a search-friendly topic with a lot of keywords.
So repurposing can add extra mileage and that way you get the most out of your masterpieces. Plus, repurposing means a higher return on your investment.
For instance, if you outsource content creation and paid $100 for a 1,000-word blog post then repurposing and creating infographics, slides, podcasts, video, ebooks, etc. out of it means you virtually achieved a higher return on your investment.
So the idea is always to get the most out of every single word that you write.
One more thing.
You will need a lot of blog posts to repurpose again and again but it’s also true that you can do it otherwise.
That is, you can write a new ebook or even a long guide and then repurpose it to create a series of blog posts, social media posts, slides, podcasts, infographics, video, etc. It works both ways!
Happy Repurposing! :)

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