What Is Fiverr, Anyway? 13 Gig Ideas To Make Money On Fiverr (Or Elsewhere) #Review

Here’s proof:
Awesome Fiverr Gigs
As you can see, it’s got terrific value.
Where else on earth can you get those gigs done for $5?
What you saw above was  just a tiny list of some top rated gigs on Fiverr. But, that’s not all folks! There are a lot more bizarre gigs that you never would have thought of. In fact, there’s an official category for those gigs (go here if you’re curious).
First things first.
A micro-job on Fiverr is called a “Gig” and gigs start at $5. It basically means that the base price of any service on Fiverr is $5 (also known as one Fiverr). But the order can be hundreds of dollars if you provide add-on services (known as “Gig Extras”).
It’s certainly a place where people do what they love and get paid for it.
Originally, the tagline of Fiverr was “What are you willing to do for $5?”. Today it’s not just a micro-job marketplace but much more than that as the gigs now “starts at $5”. And like I said, the total order value can be hundreds of dollars by way of “Gig Extras” or “Custom Offers”.
Thanks to some of those Fiverr competitors that were offering gigs of almost any value. Anyway, Fiverr is still one of the best way to make money online — as long as you love what you do and can offer something unique and valuable.

How Does Fiverr Work?

The best thing about Fiverr is that… it’s a nifty website with a lot of loyal users. And there are absolutely no complex stuff in there.
For Buyers…
If you are a buyer, you can browse the different categories and subcategories on Fiverr or can simply use their “Search” to find what you’re looking for. If it’s available then you can instantly place an order for $5 and if it’s not available then you can create a “Special Request” describing what you want (with your budget and other requirements) so that the Fiverr community can create a custom gig or offer for you.
Just make sure that you’re buying only from credible sellers who have a good track-record. You can check the rating, feedback, average response time, total sales, and the current portfolio of all sellers to assess the quality of their services. And it’s a good idea to contact the seller before you buy (yes, it’s allowed) to make sure that they can deliver what you want.
Again, most of the Fiverr sellers offer add-ons (known as “Gig Extras”) so that you can buy related services or add premium features. And you can also buy additional quantities (known as “Gig Multiples”) from the seller if they are offering it.
For example, if a seller is designing logos for $5 then you may get “Gig Extras” like one day delivery, multiple-file formats, business card design that matches your new logo, etc. and if the seller is offering “Gig Multiples” then you get a chance to buy 2 logos for $10.
I haven’t purchased anything from Fiverr ever since they changed the business model. Now there’s also a processing fee involved when you buy a “Gig”. Fiverr charges $0.50 on all purchases up to $10 and for purchases above $10 they charge you 5%.
For Sellers…
If you are a seller, all you need to do is create a “Gig”. If it’s approved by Fiverr then it will be visible on the Fiverr marketplace under the category chosen by you. And when someone orders your Gig, you’ll be notified and Fiverr charges the buyer in advance.
When you deliver the “Gig” your account will be credited 80% of the revenue that your gig has generated. For example, when you deliver one Fiverr (a gig of $5) your seller account will be credited with $4 after deducting the Fiverr fee of $1.
Sadly, that’s not the only cost a seller have to bear with. When you withdraw money from your Fiverr seller account to PayPal there’s a fee of $1 (or 2%) for every withdrawal under $50 and funds in your PayPal account is also subjected to a standard country-based fees when you finally withdraw it to your bank account.
Another feature that they have introduced is “Fiverr Anywhere”. Fiverr Anywhere allows sellers to offer “Custom Offers”. That is, you can offer premium services at market costs and can even respond to a “Special Request” with a “Custom Offer”.
Also, it’s worth to mention that you can’t create unlimited gigs on Fiverr. The number of active gigs allowed per user depends upon your Level status. If you’re a new seller then you can only have up to 7 active gigs. And the number of “Gig Extras” and “Gig Multiples” and the maximum value of “Custom Offers” also depends upon your level status. You can go here to learn more about it.
And hey, I do not have any guru tip to give you but here’s an advice to new sellers by a top seller on Fiverr:
The customer is always right. You are there to serve them. Work fast. Communicate all through the process. Remind them that if there are issues, they should click the “request a modification” button. Treat every project as if your livelihood depends on it… because it does.

13+ “Gig” Ideas To Make Money On Fiverr (Or Elsewhere)

If you’re also a blogger then you probably know that no blogger out there is a super-man/woman who could do everything by himself/herself. Outsourcing is something a blogger can’t avoid. And it can be for anything and everything. In fact, the real purpose of this blog post was never to review Fiverr but to list few Fiverr gigs that one can offer bloggers.
And let me be honest, a handful of them are actually a list of services that I will need sooner or later. So that’s how I decided to make it a blog post.
Of course, there are a ton of other freelance marketplaces like UpworkFreelancerGuru99designs, etc. But the problem is… it makes more sense to a business than an individual. Moreover, the hiring and outsourcing process is not as simple as it is on Fiverr.
And for freelancers too, there’s more pain as it takes a lot of time and effort to establish themselves as it involves things like online tests, résumé, portfolio, escrow, etc.
Also, it’s not fair to compare Fiverr jobs with a regular job or the ones on Freelance websites. Fiverr gigs are more like a hobby. Your return depends upon the service that you are offering.
For instance, if you can complete a gig in just 5 minute then it basically means that you earned $5 in 5 minutes and that will be $60 per hour. Not bad, eh? Now if you take 15 minutes to complete a gig then that will be $15 per hour. Again, not bad if it was just a hobby.
So here’s a list of over 13 gigs that you (as a seller or service provider) can offer bloggers — including me and your blogger-friends — on Fiverr (or elsewhere). And don’t miss the bonus at the end. ;)

1. WordPress Customization

The first thing that you can offer any blogger is WordPress customization (or even Blogger.com customization). It’s one of the most-wanted service as not all bloggers are web geeks. You know it’s super-easy to setup a WordPress blog and the whole process takes just few minutes — i.e if you know stuff like domain names, web hosting, etc.
But you can’t customize a blog the way you want unless you’re a coder. In fact, when you install a WordPress theme on your blog it won’t look exactly as it is on its demo. You have to do a lot of customization and may also have to edit few PHP/CSS files to further customize the appearance or features of your blog.
So the idea is to start a Fiverr gig that offers WordPress customization. And your goal should be to make your gig unique and special. For instance, you can also include a free audit of your client’s blog and then recommend the changes required to make it more search and user friendly. The good thing is that they may end up hiring you to do it.

Related Services / Gig Extras:

  • WordPress Theme Customization
  • Custom WordPress Themes
  • WordPress Installation & Plugin Setup
  • WordPress Error Fixing
  • WordPress Optimization
  • Shopping Cart Setup
  • Blog Migration
  • Database Backup

2. Social Media Marketing

Social networks have exploded over the past several years but it’s very much possible that bloggers are not using the right medium or even worse they don’t even have a social media presence. When it comes to social media, you can easily offer an array of services.
Large and medium sized agencies charge hundreds of dollars even for simple services like social media profile creation, posts, optimization, etc. So you have to make sure that you can add value to your clients.
Let’s say, if you’re offering social media profile creation then you can also analyze your client’s blog and then offer to create social media profiles on more relevant networks. For instance, if it’s a travel blog then you can identify all the social networks that can be leveraged and then offer profile creation on all (Tip: Use Gig Extras wisely).

Related Services / Gig Extras:

  • Social Media Profile Setup
  • Social Media Graphic Creation (for profile pictures, logos, icons, headers, posts, etc.)
  • Social Media Content Creation (for bio, social media posts, etc.)

3. Web 2.0 Submission

Web 2.0 Submission
If you do a quick research of Fiverr on Google then you will see mixed reviews. And if you ask people about SEO services on Fiverr then everyone will almost definitely say it’s all low-quality services. And it’s true!
The problem is… SEO services on Fiverr is all about “Quantity” and not “Quality”. But if you’re an experienced digital marketer then you know that today it’s all about quality. The idea is to offer high quality web 2.0 submission. That is, instead of offering 100 low-quality web 2.0 and RSS submissions you can offer just high-quality submission.
But how do you define high-quality? Okay, if I search Fiverr for social bookmarking or submission services then I will see a ton of gigs that says “I will submit your blog to 200 social networks for $5.”. Well, it sounds good but can you quickly name 200 social networks? 100? Or maybe 75? No.
It basically means that they are submitting the blog posts to social networks that nobody uses and most probably it’s automated and never done manually (who’s going to submit your website manually to 100 or 200 websites for $5?).
So you can offer manual web 2.0 submission and it’s totally fair if you can submit the URL only to 5 websites. As long as it’s done manually and with a purpose — there’s value.
For instance, my blog post URLs that I or others have shared on web 2.0 sites like Quora, WordPress, List.ly, etc. sends real traffic and it continues to send traffic for years (until the topic becomes obsolete).
So it’s like if I build 1,000 such links then it CAN bring 1,000 (or more) visits a day, again depending upon the topic.

4. Keyword Research

Keyword research is crucial to any content marketing (or SEO) campaigns. The idea is to offer a comprehensive keyword research along with competitor analysis.
If you are a “niche expert” who have specialized knowledge in few topics then you can do better topic research than anyone else. And you can make your gig unique by providing related services.
For instance, I do not know how many times have I edited the titles and subheadings of this blog post as I was not sure whether to create two separate blog posts for the “review” and “ideas” or to publish it as a single blog post.
So you can provide competitor research or even provide a full blog post outline with a search friendly title and subheadings as an add-on or as another gig.

Related Services / Gig Extras:

  • Keyword Research
  • Topic Suggestion
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Blog Post Outlines (suggesting search friendly titles and subheadings)

5. Meta Tags Optimization

Meta tag (meta title tag and meta description tag) optimization can boost the search traffic of any blog but a lot of bloggers are bad at writing titles and descriptions (including me).
That’s why they either leave it unchanged or poorly-optimized. So you can offer meta tag optimization service and can make it unique by including keyword research, or competitor analysis, or both.
  • Meta Title & Description Tag Optimization
  • Meta Title & Description Tag Optimization (with keyword research)
  • Meta Title & Description Tag Optimization (with competitor analysis)

6. Blog Post Optimization

Blog post optimization can be a hassle for beginners or bloggers who don’t have in-depth SEO knowledge and expertise.
So you can offer blog post optimization which includes (but not limited to) the optimization of: meta title and description tags, subheadings, images, keyword density, and almost anything to make it more search and user-friendly.

7. Logos, Icons, Graphics

Graphic design gigs on Fiverr are extremely popular because “design is love”. You can easily get logos, icons, business cards, and almost everything graphic from Fiverr for $5. If you try to hire an agency or even an independent freelancer then it’s going to cost you a lot more.
Of course, we can’t expect the quality of design services that we get from 99designs.com(costs $299+ there) on Fiverr.com but it’s not a bad deal.
For instance, if I’m starting a micro-niche blog or is looking for few graphics or icons to use in a blog post then it makes lot more sense to get it from Fiverr.com than anywhere else.
So if you can design well — very well — then you can offer a variety of design services. Just make sure that you have a great portfolio (really great portfolio).

Related Services / Gig Extras:

  • Logos
  • Logos + Favicons + App Icons
  • Logo + Business Card Design
  • Blog Post Graphics
  • Profile Pictures (for social media)
  • Graphics (for social media marketing)

8. Proofreading & Editing

You must be wondering as there are thousands of freelancers who are doing it on Fiverr or elsewhere. It’s true but trust me there’s a difference when a “niche expert” does it. And you can also offer add-ons like editing, rewriting, etc.

9. Blog Writing & Translation

You can offer blog writing as well as translation services. For instance, you can offer multiple editions of a blog post or can offer translation services to translate English blog posts to another language or vice versa.

10. Content Creation & Submission

Bloggers require a heck lot of content (apart from regular blog posts). It can be for promotional purpose or social media marketing or to supplement their content marketing or link building campaigns.
For instance, instead of hiring an agency for link building I can hire few writers on Fiverr and ask them to answer relevant questions on Quora or Yahoo Answers embedding a link to my own web properties (to leverage tiered link building).
Or, I can hire them to write content and submit to Medium or LinkedIn Publishing Platform or Quora Blogs or any of those blogging platforms to attract more referral traffic (plus to strengthen the link profile of my blog). Once again, quality of service is the key.

11. Blog Commenting & Forum Posting

Blog commenting and forum posting was once the most popular link building technique. And now it’s all about “spam”. Sort of. That’s why search engines are penalizing websites for low-quality backlinks. Or, let’s say for “spamming”.
Google is becoming more “human” with each algorithmic update (or at least it’s trying to). But no matter what, backlinks are still crucial and is still one of the key factors in ranking pages.
The only problem is… building high quality backlinks takes a lot of time and effort. And agencies charge hundreds of thousands of dollars for link building and yet we can’t be sure about the quality of their work.
If you’re building links the wrong way then it will only do more bad than good. But the good thing is… high-quality backlinks can’t/won’t hurt a website’s ranking. It doesn’t matter if the backlink is from a blog comment, or a forum post, or a social network, or anywhere else.
As long as it’s genuine there’s nothing to worry about it.
So the idea is to offer quality blog commenting and forum posting services. For instance, I’ve few tech tips and tech tutorials posts and I can hire someone to promote it on forums or on other blogs when it’s relevant. It’s all about the context and how you do it.

12. Repurpose Content

Content repurposing is all about extending the life of your original content by leveraging more mediums. Submitting a blog post to a dozen of social networks or updating/republishing one of your archived blog post is not exactly repurposing. It’s just sharing and resharing.
Repurposing is done by taking an existing blog post (or content) and using it to create something else on another medium (in an easy to consume way) thereby reaching an audience who wouldn’t have found your content otherwise.
The good thing about content repurposing is that you are actually getting more traffic by creating less content — as these mediums are already known to have millions of active users.
So the idea is to offer content repurposing services.
For instance, if I share my latest listicle on Twitter then it may attract some 100 visits (if I’m lucky) and then it’s gone from everybody’s timeline. But if I create a List.ly post out of it then it may generate much more traffic over time and it can strengthen the link profile of my blog as well.
There are a ton of social media tools to automate web 2.0 submissions and sharing but they are not perfect tools to automate repurposing as it requires manual effort. That could be the reason why most of the bloggers (including me) are not repurposing content.
That’s your opportunity. :)
Here’s a list of gigs that you can offer as part of your content repurposing services (and it’s equally good to offer as an independent gig as well):

12.1 Presentations

Offer to create presentations out of a blog post and offer to submit on SlideShare. It’s somewhat easier as you can create slides using the subheadings and bullet points available on the blog post.

12.2 Infographics

Offer to create infographics and offer to submit on Visual.ly or Pinterest (as a Pinterest Board). Again, you can use the subheadings and bullet points on a blog post to create an infographic.

12.3 Documents

Offer to create whitepapers, case studies, guides, etc. and offer to submit on ScribdISSUUedocr, etc.

12.4 Transcription / Voiceover

Offer transcription of videos or voice overs of a blog post.

12.5 Videos

Offer to create videos and offer to submit on YouTube. Making a video is not that easy but you can easily offer screencast videos or other easy to make videos.

12.6 Newsletters

Offer to setup email marketing software and offer to create newsletters as many blogs (including mine) do not have a newsletter (except the RSS subscriptions). So you can offer setup services plus create weekly/monthly newsletters that summarizes all the blog posts published in that period.

12.7 Ebooks

Offer to create ebooks or PDF versions of a topic as most of the blogs usually have a dozen of blog posts related to a single topic that they may want to convert into an ebook. So you can create ebooks by formatting those blog posts and adding a cover page, index, headers, etc.

13. Niche Services

If you are particularly passionate about few things or if you’re specialized in one particular industry then you can offer niche services.
For instance, you can offer the following specialized services to a food blogger: image optimization, recipe plugin configuration, schema markup implementation, keyword research, meta tags optimization, blog post optimization, newsletter creation, create recipe archives, social media posts, web 2.0 submission, competitor analysis, etc.
The advantage of offering niche services is that… bloggers may not know the kind of niche services that you provide until you show it to them. So it’s all about what they can expect from you and how you showcase your services, skills, and portfolio.
Note: Fiverr is a scammers paradise too as you will also find a ton of low-quality gigs and sellers. It’s super-easy to fake credibility as sellers can easily build some credibility out of nowhere by asking their friends and family to hire them and get 5-star rating. So if you want your gig to be noticed then it has to be something useful, unique, and valuable.

BONUS: You Are Hired!

You Are Hired!
Can you provide any of the above gigs? Or, do you wish to provide any of those gigs? If so, then let me be your first buyer. I have already mentioned that a good percentage of the gigs that I have listed here are actually the ones that I’m personally looking for.
And it’s absolutely fine if you are a new seller or if you have never done this before as long as you can deliver the gig. Reminder: it’s all about QUALITY!
So if you think you can provide a specific gig then you may contact me. And you can also ask your blogger friends to hire you for the first time. Of course, it should make sense to them.
Wait, there’s more!
When I have a list of reliable sellers whose combined efforts could deliver all the above services then I will write another blog post to promote them. And if I find multiple sellers who are equally good at providing a specific gig then I will either promote both or select the best of the best.
And if I didn’t find a seller to provide a particular service then I will either find someone from the Fiverr community or will wait until I find the right person before adding that service to the list.
I just want to make sure that it’s got almost everything an active blogger will ever need.
Closing Thoughts
You DON’T have to provide as many gigs as you can. Just do your homework and see where you can excel.
And I’m not saying that you should offer all the gigs for $5. It’s certainly up to you as I believe that most of the gigs that I’ve mentioned here are worth much more than $5 — when you do it right. Some gigs can be done for $5 and others can be done as “Gig Extras” or by creating a “Custom Offer”.
Also, these gigs are not just limited within Fiverr. You can offer these services on forums, Fiverr alternatives, or even by creating a portfolio website on any of those publishing platforms.
If you have trouble getting started or is unsure about a particular service then feel free to leave a comment below and I’ll be happy to assist you or do the research for you so that you will have better idea about what to provide.
Happy Fiverr-ing! :)

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