Landing page creation service

In online marketing, a landing page, sometimes known as a "lead capture page", "static page", or a "destination page", is a single web page that appears in response to clicking on a search engine optimized search result, marketing promotion, marketing email, or an online advertisement.

We are a team of experienced CPA marketers with over 12 years of experience.

We have built thousands of landing pages over the 12 years period of our experience.

With this service, we will build high quality attractive landing page for your offer or product with viral marketing feature.
We will use You can register to and create an account and pay their subscription. 

If you have upviral account, we will use your account and that means, you have the full control over you’re the data.
If you don’t have an upviral account, we will use our upviral account for you.

We can build a standalone landing page for you which will be hosted on upviral with all the viral marketing features.

The second option which we recommend is building the landing page on your blogger blog with the upviral campaign widget. This second option will boost your blog traffic and boost your earnings.

Cost of landing page: $25

We accept Bitcoin and Perfectmoney Payment.
BTC address for Payment: 


Perfectmoney account for payment: U22822507

After you send payment, contact us with payment details.

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You can also contact us via our livechat.

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