Mass video creation service

Do you want to get more traffic and boost your sales and conversions? First, check the comments below this page and see how others are making a lot of money from this great product.

Businesses are taking advantage of video content marketing to stand out from competition. Right now, video content marketing is very effective than any other form of marketing. Even in SEO ranking, video content contributes to first page ranking to the highest extent.

YouTube has become the second largest search engine in the world as many prefer to watch video tutorials about their preferred subject matter. YouTube gives recommended videos randomly on their platform making it possible for any video to get organic traffic.

This means having many videos about your product or service you are promoting can make your marketing very effective and get you a lot of leads and sales.

Our service of video marketing can help boost your marketing. In terms of CPA marketing, we will create videos about your offer and add your offer link in the description section. The videos will direct the viewers to the description section of the video on YouTube to click on the link and take action.

We have an application that can spin video (create series (even thousands) of videos from one video) .

We will create original video about your offer with high converting script and spin this videos into thousands and upload these videos to hundreds of YouTube channels.

This will increase the exposure of you offer or website hence increasing your leads and sales.
Below is the list of the packages:
   1.   Trial Package
Original videos: 2
Spinned Videos: 10
Cost: $75
Video ranking service: $50 per video.

This means that we will write two original marketing scripts about your offer and create two video with this scripts, then we spin 5 videos each from the two videos.

These videos will be uploaded to different YouTube and dailymotion Channels. The link of the offer will be in the description section of the videos. We will send you the links to the video when we are done.

    2.  Bronze Package
Original videos: 5
Spinned Videos: 25
Cost: $150
Video ranking service: $50 per video

   3.  Silver Package
Original videos: 10
Spinned Videos: 50
Cost: $250
Video ranking service: $50 per video

    4.  Gold Package
Original videos: 20
Spinned Videos: 150
Cost: $350
Video ranking service: $50 per video

5.Platinum Package
Original videos: 50
Spinned Videos: 1000
Cost: $550
Video ranking service: $30 per video

We accept Bitcoin and Perfectmoney Payment.

BTC address for Payment: 3Q3FwE4yiRBv2xJtVBuvwiHgNX8JDeA2ro
Perfectmoney account for payment: U22822507

After you send payment, contact us with payment details.

You can also contact us via our livechat.

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